Desert Fox Gold Automatic Gold Panning Machine
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Price: $389.00 $373.00
Desert Fox Gold Automatic Gold Panning Machine Review
So you've mined for small gold all day, maybe using a drywasher, sluice, or some other such contraption to start the first step in gold recovery... Here's a really good way to separate the gold (or platinum) from the rest of the dirt concentrates. The box the unit comes in can also be used to work your concentrates; holding the water that will recycle over and over, and over again, in the process to get the values and not much else. It's light, and very portable. You can use it just about anywhere, but is does need its charge of water (and JET DRY). The unit has a small cup that is mounted behind the spiral wheel. At the very center of the spiral wheel is a hole, and angled right (through trial and error) you will capture the gold, some small gems like garnet, and maybe a few pieces of iron.
Dump those contents into a larger cup or bowl, gold pan, or use a snifter bottle to suck them up a tube, and there you'll have what you worked for an hour or so to get from the initial digging, to an almost completely clean gold content. No matter how you work the Desert Fox, you WILL end up with some iron, maybe a garnet or two, and a few odd pieces or crumbs of variable composition, in the little cup.
For additional assistance with the process, get a couple (or more) 5-gallon buckets, tweezers, a magnifying glass or loupe, an all purpose green miners' spoon, a neodymium magnet, a Reaves paint pump durable nylon filter (needed for the bilge pump), and a clothespin to secure the filter. Once you've figured out the relative size of the gold you consistently recover; obtain a few different sized sieves to size the intake material for best results. Drop the magnet into the rotating bowl to pull out the magnetics (which can contain parts from eroded meteorites), and hand clean them somewhat before dropping the magnet back into the spiral pan to get more junk. (I wouldn't throw the 'junk tailings' or waste away, until making a second or third run of the material through the Desert Fox again.) Sometimes you may see bits of small gold stuck to the black sands. This is common. You'll have to decide the probable worth before discards. There are some places that'll take such tailings for further cleaning or reduction. Sometimes the leftover values pay for itself, but most of the time (in my experience) it is best to pitch it and move on, and waste less effort.
Occasionally, you'll have to purge the spray arm to free the spray holes of minute particles. If you get plant or organic pieces in the tube, try first to run your finger along the orifices to unclog them. If that isn't good enough, you'll have to unscrew the ferrule bolt near the valve, remove the pipe and blow everything out with your mouth or other sort of compressed air. The spray arm also has a plastic cap that you can use to purge some of the material, but it doesn't always work out. Occasionally, you'll also have to purge the copper line that is found near the edge of the bowl. I did that using a plastic straw. Lime-a-way, Jet Dry, white vinegar, or some other acidic concoction works too, but do change the water at least once a day when using the set-up. better yet, arrange for a larger capacity tub.
You'll also need a battery to power the system. I use a car battery, and depending where you are, and have access a charging system, you may want to keep a battery charger around during down time.
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